Política de Cookies

¿What things can I sell with CRM/Funnels?

Unit product or service

Any single product or service that you market

Package of physical products

Products intended for distribution in large quantities

High added value service

Exclusive services for a specific market


Manage campaigns, clients and payment histories of your courses

*Check with your account manager

Recurring payment or plan digital products

*Check with your account manager

Manage campaigns, clients and payment histories of your events

*Check with your account manager

¿What other utilities do I find?

Coordinate the warehouse with shipments

Records the activity of the warehouse, shipments and delivery of the products

Marketing Magnet Links

Downloadable PDFs, funnel links, plugins, among other, be resources that can be given in exchange for a Lead

Negotiating agenda

Write down the importance of the meetings and save the history of the process


x12 months
x6 months
Business Plan
CRM/Funnels with AI
(with AI assistant) *All plans include host
45 USD /per month
With 120 credits Staff access +3 users
33.7 USD /per month
Buying annually
Discount 25%
*Discounts may change at any time
38 USD /per month
Buying semi-annually
Discount 15%

There is also the trial version and the FREE layer

Trial version of a Business Plan Time:
de acuerdo a campaña
Cuando creas una cuenta nueva, obtienes un Business Plan de prueba que te permite explorar todas las capacidades del sistema. Al finalizar la prueba premium hay una versión extra para emprendedores que te permite seguir usando el servicio Gratuito.

The free layer is an exclusive version for private use of the business that allows you to have the CRM as a business management tool with real clients without losing access.

* La versión de prueba está equipada con créditos premium para usar la inteligencia artificial y la automatización del correo electrónico.
Free version to undertake (Startup) Time:
Up to 6 months
Special conditions / click

The Best Plans!

Plan type
Business Plan Pro Scaling
or Resellers
Change/Cancel plan at any time Yes Yes According to custom terms You can cancel a plan and have a refund for the unused months.
Collection of commissions for Online Payments No No Custom checkout We do not charge commissions in any way for the use of the platform when your clients make payments
Third party costs No No Speak with us The system is complete to make your marketing scalable, however you can add superpowers with complementary Whatsapp AI chat. *Check with your account manager
Staff Plus Members No +3 users Tailor-made staff In addition to your main user account (manager), you can have 3 members with independent access to collaborate with your CRM.
Logo customization Yes Yes Yes No watermarks and no advertising
Manual registration of CRM contacts Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited It allows you to create customer records with information such as names, products, email, phone number, interests and more.
It use funnel templates 1 embudo
+ 300 registros
All funnels
+ 20,000 records
Speak with us
Instantly Funnels With credits to try AI in any of its forms It is an instant Funnel landing page creator with AI
Advertising to create products or edit funnels Subscription
con créditos de IA
Speak with us Generate advertising content based on algorithms and professional marketing prompts for your products and content editing
Aurora Wizard Aurora AI appears occasionally to help you optimize your Lead and CRM management
Number of active campaigns 1 15 Unlimited It allows you to create and customize spectacular funnels mounted on campaigns with specific sales objectives according to the needs of the company and do A/B marketing tests seeking to obtain the most effective version of advertising.
Inventory product management 3 50 Unlimited
Tracking Leads Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited It allows you to track leads throughout the sales process, collecting, tagging and monitoring information for your own business database.
Customer Management Yes Yes Yes Manage the relationship of products with the customer, filter the information to know what decision to make or what should be done to increase sales, control inventory and coordinate shipments.
Data business dashboard Yes Yes Yes Virtual Office:

It provides a cloud platform to keep business data organized in its registration and purchase processes. Allows you to view the payment history and make promotions to system users (buy-back).
Commerce Profile Management Yes Yes Yes
Shopping history Limited Yes Yes
B2C Leadership Program Limited Yes Yes
AUTOMATION of emails by registered Lead With credits to try email marketing Subscription
with email credits
According to custom terms The email system works in 3 ways: 1- Sending an auto-scheduled email to the registered Lead. 2- Sending emails in sequence starting from the first registration. 3- Sending mass emails to the list of all users registered in a Funnel
AUTOMATION emails in sequence and masive No Subscription
with email credits
According to custom terms
Email transaccional No Basic
They are transactional emails that notify you about different things, e.g. when you receive a new Lead registration, among others.
API integrations (via plugins) No Yes Yes It allows you to integrate Lead Generation plugins on other websites, through registration forms and chat, among other forms of registration.
Resolution Center / Support Limited Yes Yes It provides technical support for the solution of the platform requirements via tickets, attention to suggestions or we can meet needs in the implementation of customizations.
Personalized attention A voice call during the first 30 days - (In Spanish) By email and whatsapp Same as Business + direct with management