The related information in this article is suitable for the offer of both a product and a service. This basic guide can also be applied to intangibles of course.
Let us start from the moment that a meeting with a possible client is established , who is willing to listen to us, we can then keep in mind the following points for our sales protocol as follows:
In the approach
Relevant questions
It is necessary to have a scheme of questions that suggest to the client to think about what context your business is in relation to the present , also through these pertinent questions we capture valuable information to be able to diagnose and direct the way to approach the presentation of our offer .
In the product information
As it is due, the bidder must have detail of the qualities that surround the product that he communicates, being advisable to handle factors such as:
1. Summary characteristics, presenting the benefits.
2. Comparison with the current market and its differences (being able to express why it is different, innovative, unique and its price - quality ratio).
3. Give information about costs and plans.
Some objections will be raised
For this, it is necessary to have a previous scheme of answering the frequently asked questions as well as transmitting concepts of the particular experience that one has.
Contribute with ideas
Fresh ideas, commercial and objective context is the basis of a commercial consultancy that can generate a positive emotion and trust in the client solving for him ways and perspectives to incorporate into your business form or distribution chain with the product offered .
Inducing a closure
Having solved all the doubts of interest, you should try to specify a negotiation closing with a fine and objective persuasion that indicates the process of affiliation to a plan or order, and indicating the payment method , it is a diligence in which you have to have Everything at hand and easy.
A common strategy is to leave a promotion or bonus for the end, in this way to ensure that the client will not depart from the process .
It is practical that through a link to form or ecommerce , the person can process the registration information or make their payment online, etc. So that it is facilitated to the parties to generate the registration and obtain the delivery of the product